Midi Keyboards for VR

Midi-Keyboards (Controllers) for ‘playing with VR09/VR730’ (in a live situation)

Midi keyboards/controllers can be used e.g. as ‘VR lower organ manual’, ‘piano sub-manual’ etc. Which kind of controller you need depends on how deep you would like to ‘change VR parameters’ (e.g. with the contoller faders or pots):

  1. The most simple case: you only want to ‘play lower manual notes’:
    – connect any controller to VR with a midi cable
    – go into VR menu ‘MIDI’, search for ‘Midi Mode’, set to KEYBOARD
    – on VR, set a ‘split’ (to ‘activate’ lower manual)
    any midi signal from the controller is now routed to VR lower manual – you don’t have to care about channel settings etc
  2. The most complex case: you want to use the controllers pots/faders e.g. as ‘VR lower manual drawbars’
    You’re at the doorstep to ‘ugly SysEx world’ …
    Most VR parameters like ‘VR drawbars’ can only be changed by SysEx. so the controller must be capable to send ‘Roland SysEx midi’ – and you have to dive into sysex world (by studying the ‘VR09/730 midi implementation manual’ provided on Roland website
    ‘SysEx’ controllers are listed in chapter (A)
  3. You want to use the controllers pots/faders to ‘change things’ but without SysEx
    Controllers without sysex are still very usable: VR accepts a lot of ‘standard Control Changes’, e.g. envelope, filter, vibrato, portamento, etc etc. You can also use the controller to play ‘VR GM2 engine sounds’ (with more than 2000 sounds)
    You find the complete list of Control Changes in List of ‘classic midi signals’ of the VR
    You can even use controllers with ‘mini-keys’ : suitable mini-keys (with ‘real midi-out’) are listed in chapter (C).

Chapter overview:
(A) Controllers with standard key-size and ‘Roland SysEx’
(B) Controllers with standard key-size but without ‘Roland SysEx’
(C) Controllers with ‘mini-keys’

(A) Controllers with standard key-size and ‘Roland SysEx’

Only very very few controllers can do SysEx : some ‘old’ Roland/Edirol and Novation controllers – there are no new devices available (you still might find a ‘old stock’ Roland A-Pro abandoned in 2023 though)

All controllers in the list are usb-midi class compilant (no need for proprietary drivers on newer OSX/Windows). On Edriols, Roland driver support must must be disabled (“Advanced Driver Switch”, see manuals/Roland support sites)
Roland A-Pro and Edriol are better suited as VR ‘organ lower manual’ (’rounded keys’ for organ playing techniques, 9 faders for drawbars), Novations are better suited as piano/EP ‘sub-manual’ because of their semiweighted Fatar action
Editors for Novation SLs: some are available from Novation, some only from webarchives: a complete remote editors collection

  • Roland A-Pro A300/A500/A800: keys (2nd hand)
    Roland successor or the Edirol Series. The action is identical to VR, but ‘deeper’ parameter editing requires the editor

    • versions: 32/49/61 keys. Light synth action with Aftertouch like VR09 (same keys form, a little bit different touch)
    • 9 faders (drawbars!), 9 pots, 8 pads
    • Aftertouch
    • programming: basic settings can be set on the device, deeper parameters only by editor (PC, Mac)
  • Roland-Edirol PCR 300/500/800 (2007) (2nd hand)
    This is the most recent and best of Roland/Edirol Series. More ‘pianesque’ action than A-Pro series.

    • versions: 32/49/61 keys. Light synth action with Aftertouch.
    • 9 faders (drawbars!), 9 pots, 16 pads
    • Aftertouch
    • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by editor (PC, Mac)
  • Roland-Edirol PCR M30/M50/M80 (2005) and PCR 30/50/80 (2002) (2nd hand)
    Older Roland/Edirol Series. Not recommended because of keybed wear and failure

    • versions: 32/49/61 keys. Light synth action with Aftertouch. Action is reputaded for wear
    • 9 faders (drawbars!), 9 pots (no pads)
    • programming: ALL settings must be set on the device (no editor available)
  • Novation Remote SL Mk2 25/49/61 (2009) (2nd hand)
    Mark-2 with illuminated ‘endless encoders’ (note that newer SL Mk3 and higher DO NOT HANDLE SYSEX)!

    • versions: 25/49/61 keys, semiweighted action Fatar TP/9 (with Aftertouch), excellent for piano
    • 8 faders, 8 (endless) pots, 8 pads
    • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by Novation editor (PC, Mac) or 3rd party editor ‘EdiSyn’ (see collection of Editors)
  • Novation Remote SL (Mk1) 25/37/61 (2007) (2nd hand)
    This is the most recent and best of Roland/Edirol Series. which is said to be the best of the Edirol PCR series

    • versions: 25/37/61 keys, semiweighted action Fatar TP/9 (with Aftertouch), excellent for piano
    • 8 faders, 8 (endless) pots, 8 pads
    • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by Novation editor (PC, Mac) or 3rd party editor ‘EdiSyn’ (see collection of Editors)
  • Novation Remote SL COMPACT 25/49 (2007) (2nd hand)
    Compact is the ‘reduced’ version of Mk2: no faders, no xy-trackpad, pitch/mod wheel instead of joystick.

    • versions: 25/49 keys, semiweighted action Fatar TP/9 (with Aftertouch), excellent for piano
    • 8 (endless) pots, 8 pads
    • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by Novation editor (PC, Mac) or 3rd party editor ‘EdiSyn’ (see collection of Editors)

(B) Controllers with standard key-size but without ‘Roland SysEx’

There’s an infite number of available controllers, new ones, old ones … so we don’t list them here.
The only ‘technical requirement’ on the devices is ‘real’ midi-sockets (5-pin). Modern (DAW-)controllers with only ‘usb-midi’ cannot directly be attached to VR midi-in (VR won’t recognise it)

(C) Mini-Key Controllers

We start with a ‘warning’: most ‘mini-key’-controllers have only a ‘usb-midi’ socket, no ‘real midi-outs’.
Mini-controllers are designed for handling virtual instruments and DAWs on computers/tablets. You cannot directly attach ‘usb-midi’ from a controller to VR (VR won’t recognise it). You can run usb-midi into VR only via an intermediate computer/tablet (acting as ‘usb-host’ between the two clients controller and VR).
Luckily a handfull of mini-keys have additional ‘real-Midi’ sockets which allow direct connection to VR midi-in. These midi-sockets are either classic ‘5-pin’ or ‘3.5mm TRS’ jacks. In case of ‘TRS’ you need an adapter-cable to 5-pin midi. Unfortunately there are type-A and type-B (and even type-C) adapters, but in the list of boards the type is indicated.

Overview (prices in Europe):

  1. Arturia Minilab-3 (95 €) : well suited for live usage, easy handling, good controllers
  2. M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini (110 €): well suited for live usage, good controllers
  3. MidiPlus X2/X3/X4/X6 mini (90-130 €): most simplistic and durable key for ‘just playing notes’
  4. Behringer Swing / Arturia Keystep (65/140 €): no controllers but sequencer
  5. Donner MP 25 Pro (110 €): ultra-flat, ok for live usage, good controllers
  6. WORLDE Panda Mini 2 / Miditech Garagekey Groove-2/PAD (70 €): ok for live usage, good controllers
  7. Novation Launchkey Mini MK3/Mk4 (100 – 160 €): focused on Ableton which reduces versatility
  8. IK Multimedia IRig Keys 2 mini (100 €): small and simple – but fragile for live usage
  9. AKAI Professional MPK mini Plus (170 €): has functions like sequencer but limitations on midi and channel settings


Test your presonal requirements: e.g. many user-presets (to match VR registrations), many controllers (pots, faders, pads) to change sounds on VR, ease of use (parameter programming vs. ), or even a ‘recordable’ sequencer

of use
presets controllers arpeggiator sequencer ‘bargain’ model
+ + + + ++ + Arturia Keystep-3
+ + o o ++ + M-Audio Oxygen
o o + + ++ + + Miditech / Worlde
++ ++ ++ ++ o MidiPlus mini
+ + ++ ++ + + ++ Behringer Swing

(++: very good +: good o: mediocre, ‘blank’: not available)

  1. Arturia Minilab-3 (Mark 3) (ca. 95 €)
    French elegance: several colours options (alpine white, green…) and wood side panels. Pads have Aftertouch. Can send Bank/PC to use VR GM2-Sounds. ‘real’ 5pin midi. Easy user interface but for ‘deep programming’ you need the editor.

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 35-22-5/1.5
    • 25 mini-keys (width: 20.6mm, length 88.6mm): a good and sturdy action (‘spring mechanics’)
    • Pads have polyphonic Aftertouch (!)
    • 5-pin-midi out with Midi-Thru-option
    • 5 user-presets (easy switching with SHIFT + pad-3)
    • easy changing of (global) channel (press SHIFT + a key with channel number)
    • each preset has 2 banks of 8 pads, 4 Fader, 8 pots
    • individual channel assign to ‘keybed’, pads, faders, pots
    • faders and pots can send CC, NRPM. Pads can send CC, Note, bank/program change (msb/lsb/pc)
    • programming: basic settings can be set on the device, deeper ediiting is done by editor (PC, Mac)
    • pitch/mod ‘touch strips’ Included software: Ableton Live Lite, Arturia “Analog-Lab” (500 samples), UVI-Steinway-D, NI-Upright
  2. M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini (ca. 110 € + TRS-midi adapter)
    The Oxygen is a ‘solid design’ – and 32 keys make a difference to 25. User interface requires more ‘menu diving’ than on other boards, but the board offers more options (e.g. using the keys to play one VR manual while running the Arpeggiator into a different manual or GM2-sound)

      • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 40-19-6/1.2
      • 32 mini-keys (width: 19.4mm, length 80.4mm): a good and sturdy action (‘spring mechanics’)
      • TRS-Midi (needs a “Type A” adapter to 5-pin cable) with Midi-Thru option
      • 14 user-presets + 1 “DAW”-preset, labourious switching of presets by menu diving
      • each user-preset has 2 banks for 8 pads, 4 faders, 4 pots, 4 buttons (DAW-mode has 8 banks)
      • labourious changing of “global” channel by menu diving
      • individual channel assign to ‘keybed’, pads, faders, pots, buttons, Arpeggiator
      • faders/pots can send CC // pads can send CC, Note, bank/program-change (msb/lsb/pc)
      • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by editor (PC, Mac)
      • pitch/mod ‘wheels’
      • Arpeggiator and Chord function
      • Included software: Ableton Live Lite, Akai MPC Beats, Hybrid-3 virtual synth
  3. MidiPlus X2/X3/X4/X6 mini (ca. 90/100/110/130 €)
    Maybe the most simplistic and durable solution for ‘just playing notes’ + few Control-Change pots: metal housing, very good keys, easy user interface – available from 25 to 61 keys
    (There exist also ‘mini pro’ versions with 49 or 61 keys, more pots, pads etc)

      • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 41-14-5/1.7 (x2) … 85-14-5/3.2 (x6)
      • 25/37/49/61 mini-keys (width: ?? length ??): one of the best mini key actions
      • 5-pin-Midi
      • no presets – just the momentary setting
      • 4 pots, 6 buttons (‘transport’ buttons can be used to send Control Changes)
      • individual channel assign to ‘pots’
      • pots/buttons can send CC
      • programming: ALL settings must be set on the device (no editor)
      • pitch/mod touch-strips
      • Included software: Ableton Live Lite, Akai MPC Beats, Hybrid-3 virtual synth
  4. Behringer Swing / Arturia Keystep (65/140 €)
    The Swing is a ‘clone’ of the Keystep but at half price, so we mention it first. There are no controllers (faders,pots,pads) but Arpeggiator, Sequencer and ‘CV-outs’ for controlling analog synths
    ‘Keystep 37’ has more keys and 4 pots

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 49-15-4/1.4
    • 32 mini-keys (width: ??, length >??)
    • 5-Pin-midi out and in
    • no user-presets
    • programming: settings can be set on the device OR done by editor (PC, Mac), sequences must be edited in editor (in ‘live’ mode)
    • pitch/mod touch strips
    • Step Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Chord function
    • Included software: –
  5. Donner MP 25 Pro ‘midi-out’-version (ca. 110 € + TRS-midi adapter)
    ‘pure fashion’: outstanding design, 3 colour options, superflat (2.6 cm !). Easy user interface.
    Cannot send ‘program change’ (which might not bother if you don’t use VR GM2 sounds)
    Attention: exists in 2 versions with the same name: 1. midi-out jack 2. sustain-pedal jack
    the ‘midi-version’ has “SUSTAIN” written below the [K/S-BANK] buttons while ‘sustain-pedal-version’ has “LATCH”)

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 34-18-2.6/0.7
    • 25 mini-keys (width: ??, length: ??): cheap ‘plastic hinge’ action, keys are prone to break off
    • Pads have (polyphonic) Aftertouch (!)
    • TRS-Midi (needs a Type-A adapter to 5-pin cables)
    • SUPERFLAT (only 2.6cm), no protuding knobs and “pots”
    • 4 user-presets + “RAM”-preset
    • 3 banks for each group: 8 pads, 4 pots, 4 faders
    • faders/pots can send CC // pads can send Notes
    • no sending of ‘bank select’ possible
    • pitch/mod ‘touch strips’
    • Arpeggiator and Chord function
    • Programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by editor (PC, Mac)
    • Included software: Cubase LE and more
  6. WORLDE ‘Pandamini-II’ and ‘Orcamini’ (idem: Miditech Garagekey ‘Groove-2’ and ‘PAD’) (ca. 70 €)
    These are budget ‘chinese’ keys in 2 versions: Oracamini (Miditech PAD) has no faders but more pads. If you need a ‘midi remote key’ to play VR and use some ‘live envelope and filter controls’ it’s perfect. It’s limited for ‘distributed’ tasks though (e.g. sending pads to ‘VR drum section’). Easy user interface.

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 32-19-5/0.6
    • 25 mini-keys (width: ??, length: ??): cheap ‘plastic hinge’ action, keys are prone to break off
    • TRS-Midi (adapter to 5-pin cable is included)
    • 3 user-presets
    • Pandamini (Groove): 8 pads, 4 pots, 4 faders // Orcamini (PAD): 16 pads, 8 pots
    • faders/pots can send CC // Pads can send Notes
    • only one ‘global’ channel (no individual channels for encoders)
    • pitch/mod ‘touch strips’
    • Arpeggiator and Chord function
    • Programming: ALL settings are set on the device (no editor aviable)
    • Included software (with ‘MidiTech’): Miditech Free Software Bundle (VSTs, Samplers, Drum Computer etc)
  7. Novation Launchkey Mini MK3, Mk4, Mk4-37 (100 – 160 €)
    The Launchkey series is hard focused to controll Ableton Live. Therefore only one ‘custom preset’ can be defined. Arturia has more flexiblity’

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 33-17-4/0.6 (mk3), 34-18-5/0.8 (mk4) ; 48-18-5/0.9 (mk4-37)
    • 25 or 37 mini-keys (width: ??, length: ??)
    • TRS-Midi (needs a Type-A adapter to 5-pin cables)
    • only 1 ‘user-preset’ (‘custom mode’)
    • 16 pads (mk4: with Aftertouch), 8 pots (Mk4: continous pots)
    • individual channel assign to ‘keybed’, pads, pots
    • pots can send CC // Pads can send CC, Note, program-change (no bank-msb/lsb !)
    • programming: pads and pots must be programmed by editor (PC, Mac)
    • pitch/mod ‘touch strips’
    • Arpeggiator, Chord function
    • Included software: Ableton Live Lite, XLN Studio-Grand, EP and String VI
  8. IK Multimedia IRig Keys 2 mini (100 €)
    Doubtful for ‘live usage’: it is powered through ‘micro-usb’ socket which is very fragile for stage usage

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 32 x 14 x 5
    • 25 mini-keys (width: ??, length: ??)
    • TRS-Midi (2.5mm – adapter to 5-pin cables included)
    • 4 user-presets
    • 2 banks with 4 knobs
    • one single ‘global’ channel
    • pots can send CC
    • programming: on device (no editor available)
    • Included software: SampleTank 4 SE
  9. AKAI Professional MPK mini Plus (170 €)
    The Akai has 37 keys and a step-sequencer and ‘CV-out’ (for controlling analog synths) but also severe limitations:
    You cannot attach VR and PC/tablet at the same time. Sending ‘bank-select’ (e.g. for loading VR GM2-sounds) requires “wasting” of 2 pads for msb and lsb

    • Dimensions/Weight (cm/kg): 45-18-5/1.2
    • 37 mini-keys (width: 19.4mm, length 80.4mm): a good and sturdy action (‘spring type’)
    • 5-Pin-midi out and in WARNING: midi-out only works if the board is NOT connected to a tablet/PC !!
    • 8 user-presets
    • 2 banks of 8 pads, 1 bank of 8 pots
    • individual channel assign for encoders/keys is limited to only 2 ‘global’ channels for keybed+encorders and pads
    • pots can send CC // Pads can send CC, Note, program-change (no bank-msb/lsb !)
    • programming: ALL settings can be set on the device OR done by editor (PC, Mac)
    • pitch/mod ‘wheels’ plus ‘xy’-wobble-stick
    • Step Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Chord function
    • Included software: Ableton Live Lite, Akai MPC Beat, Hybrid-3 virtual synth